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DPC. Ongoing professional development

The Spanish law regulating the healthcare professions underscores the importance of publicly and expressly recognizing the professional development achieved by each healthcare professional regarding as regards knowledge and clinical, educational and research experience, as well as compliance with the clinical and research goals of the organization they serve.

DPC is an educational program based on the professional competency map under the official hospital pharmacy curriculum and Miller’s pyramid, which comprises four stages in skills acquisition:

  • Knowledge
  • Understanding
  • Demonstration
  • Performance

Active courses

Basic Course in Pediatric Pharmacy - 2nd Edition

Children constitute a primary challenge in terms of the safe use of medications because it is estimated that the incidence of medication errors is up to three times higher than in adults. This is explained by the need to calculate, dilute or manipulate pediatric doses, together with the requirement to dose based on age group and weight or body surface area. Furthermore, in many cases pharmacotherapeutic information in this group of patients is scarce and is based on case series, with discrepancies found in terms of doses and age groups in which it has been studied. Furthermore, this is a group of patients that is especially vulnerable to error due to the immaturity of kidney, liver and immunological function and the difficulties that in many cases exist in communicating with them.
This is why we consider it important to organize a course that addresses the main characteristics and particularities of the different pediatric populations and their treatment.

Start date: 15 April 2024
End date: 30 September 2024

Cristina Martínez Roca y Cecilia Martínez Fernández-Llamazares



The Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacists (SEFH), with the sponsorship of GSK, has created FHarmateca, a repository of information and knowledge about hospital pharmacy. The goal behind this initiative was to contribute to the training of pharmacists who are in the process of preparing themselves to take a competitive exam obtain a staff position in a hospital. Some autonomous regions lacking a clear syllabus for such exams, SEFH thought it necessary to produce a high-quality tool that can be used as a reference all over the country. This is how FHarmateca came into being as a repository of up-to-date resources for hospital pharmacists.

Cecilia Martínez Fernández-Llamazares
José Antonio Marcos Rodríguez


Course repository